Join Rain’s Robust 
Partner Ecosystem

Rain collaborates with an extensive network of leading HCM, Payroll, Time & Attendance, and strategic providers to extend our services to the U.S. workforce. This network encompasses both integration and referral partnerships.
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Why Choose Rain

competitive edge
We'll increase your competitive edge by adding to your product offering the most sought after benefits solution in the market today.
fastest growing EWA
We’re the fastest growing EWA provider with a proven track record of delivering excellence across midmarket and large enterprise.
highest adoption rates
We have the highest adoption rates in the industry with an average of 29% of monthly active users.
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A Solution For Every Strategy

Thanks to our integration partners, Rain offers the most seamless EWA solution.
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HCM Platforms

Timekeeping Solutions

Strategic Alliances

Rain Partnership Models

Partner with us
Referral or Marketplace
White Label
White Label
Referral or Marketplace

Referral or Marketplace

We work with HCM and Workforce Management providers as well as Financial Institutions, GPOs, and PoS solutions.
White Label

White Label

In this model, Rain will build the entire Earned Wages platform with your brand on it, plus we'll power all the supporting functions and capital financing.
"I’m thrilled that we could help facilitate this step for Buche’s most valuable asset, their people."
–Audrey Hogan, COO of TimeForge

Partner With Us

Want to learn more? Tell us a little about yourself and one of our certified partnership associates will reach out.
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